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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Facts About Dreams Part 1

  1. The word “dream” is most likely related to the West Germanic draugmus, (meaning deception, illusion, or phantom) or from the Old Norse draugr (ghost, apparition) or the Sanskrit druh (seek to harm or injure).
  2. You cannot snore and dream at the same time.
  3. Adults dream off and on, for a total of about an hour and half to three hours every night.
  4. By the time we die, most of us will have spent a quarter of a century asleep, of which six years or more will have been spent dreaming—and almost all of those dreams are forgotten upon waking.
  5. The average person has about 1,460 dreams a year. That’s about four per night.
  6. Egyptian pharaohs were considered children of Ra (Egyptian sun god) and, thus, their dreams were seen as being divine.
  7. In the Chinese province of Fu-Kein, people called on their ancestors for dream revelation by sleeping on graves.
  8. Scientists suggest that the dreams of fetuses are mostly composed of sound and touch sensations, given the lack of visual stimuli in the womb.
  9. About 80% of neonatal and newborn sleep time is REM sleep, suggesting a tremendous amount of time dreaming.
  10. According to Plato, dreams originate in the organs of the belly. Plato describes the liver in particular as the biological seat of dreams.
  11. Elias Howe (1819-1867) said one inspiration for his invention of the sewing machine came from a nightmare he had about being attacked by cannibals bearing spears that looked like the needle he then designed.
  12. Aside from those who experience certain kinds of injury, it’s a biological fact that everyone dreams. However, not everyone remembers his or her dreams.
  13. Most of us dream every 90 minutes, and the longest dreams (30-45 minutes) occur in the morning.
  14. The scientific study of dreams is known as oneirology (Latin oneiros: dream, ology: writing).
  15. One West African group, the Ashanti, take dreams so seriously that they would allow a husband to take legal action against another man if that man had an erotic dream about his wife.
  16. All cultures and time periods report nightmares. The word “nightmare” derives from the Anglo-Saxon word mare, meaning demon—which is related to the Sanskrit mara, meaning destroyer, and mar, meaning to crush. So the word “nightmare” carries with it connotations of being crushed by demonic forces.
  17. Discovered in 1856, the planet Neptune (which is named after the Roman god of the sea) is considered the planet of dreams—because, like water, dreams distort and cloud images and meaning. Additionally, water represents the depths of the unconscious and our emotional levels in dream imagery, places that our dreams take us.
  18. Dreams of losing teeth or having teeth extracted can signify many things, including fears of helplessness or of some sort of loss in one’s life. Women experience more teeth dreams than men.
  19. Dreams of dirty water may signal that the unconscious mind is telling the dreamer he or she is not healthy.
  20. The Buddhist exercise practice of yoga has many benefits, including helping one learn how to control his or her dreams by controlling the body’s vital energies.
  21. An alien in a dream may indicate that the dreamer is experiencing difficulty adjusting to new conditions or a new environment, or that his or her personal space is being invaded.
  22. Cakes in dreams can signify a time to rejoice at one’s accomplishments, or to celebrate new relationships or work efforts that have been successful but not necessarily acknowledged.
  23. Finding oneself in a cemetery during a dream may indicate sadness or unresolved grief. It may also represent one’s “dead” past.
  24. Chocolate in a dream may symbolize that the dreamer feels the need to be rewarded and deserves special treatment. It could also mean that the dreamer has been indulging in too many excesses and needs to practice restraint.
  25. Standing on a cliff in a dream can represent that one has a broad view of something or that the dreamer feels like he or she is living on the edge or is afraid of failure.
These facts were found using the link below.

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